Kids Can Do Therapy Services understands that it can be challenging to navigate the vast array of resources and services available to children. We hope you find these resources help in the process of finding the best supports for you and your child.
Please click on any of the categories to find links to a variety of information.
Auditory System: The auditory hearing sense allows us to locate, capture and discriminate sounds.
Bilateral Coordination: The ability to use both sides of the body in a smooth, coordinated manner.
Crossing the Midline: The ability of an individual to use one side of the body in completing tasks that are on the opposite side without turning the body.
Fine Motor Skills: The ability to move the small muscles of the body (hands and fingers) in a smooth, precise and controlled manner. Fine motor skills are required for manipulation of objects and tools in the classroom as well as for dressing and eating.
Gross Motor Skills: The ability to complete tasks that make use of large muscles of the body such as hopping, skipping, running, climbing, riding bikes and playing sports.
Gustatory System: The gustatory system is our sense of taste.
Motor Planning / Praxis: The brain’s ability to plan and carry out a sequence of unfamiliar actions.
Muscle Tone: Muscle tone is the resistance to movement when the muscle is at rest or the state of tension in the muscles at rest. We need a resting state of tension to keep us ready to move and respond. People vary in their resting muscle tone, so one person can have "low tone", "low average tone", "high tone", etc. Muscle tone is an in-born trait and cannot be changed easily. However, by strengthening muscles, especially the muscles surrounding a specific joint, stability can be increased.
Olfactory System: The olfactory system is our sense of smell.
Postural Control: The ability of an individual to defy gravity and maintain sitting or standing and moving in space without being pulled to the floor. This foundational skill is required to carry out skilled tasked including cutting with scissors, reading and writing.
Proprioceptive System: The proprioceptive sense gives us information about how we are moving and where our limbs are in relation to our own bodies.
Sensory Diet: A sensory diet is a strategy that consists of a carefully planned practical program of specific sensory activities that is scheduled according to each child's individual needs. Like a diet designed to meet an individual's nutritional needs, a sensory diet consists of specific elements designed to meet the child's sensory integration needs.
Sensory Processing / Integration: The ability to receive, organize and interpret incoming information from the senses, including touch (tactile), visual, auditory (hearing), gustatory (taste), olfactory (smell) proprioceptive (body position) and vestibular (balance), in order to behave and learn appropriately and effectively.
Tactile System: The tactile sense, the touch sense, allows us to learn about ourselves and the environment around us.
Visual System: The visual sense encompasses more than just our eyes. It involves the ability to make sense and take meaning out of the information taken in visually and then use it appropriately for a motor task such as coloring, writing, reading, walking and playing sports.
Vestibular System: The vestibular sense is our most powerful sense. It may be thought of as the balance and movement sense. It lets you know where you are relative to the ground and other objects around you.
Visual Motor Skills: The ability to make sense and take meaning out of information taken in visually and then use it appropriately for a motor task such as writing, playing sports, using tools and utensils.
Visual Perceptual Skills: The ability to interpret and use what we see in the environment.